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RTMC Astronomy Expo, Camp Oakes, CA. May 23th-27th, 2013
Demonstrations at our booth:
- Advanced CT Laser Collimator for Cassegrain Telescopes:
- Complete demonstration of entire optical train alignment on a Cassegrain telescope
- Optical centering of the secondary mirror.
- Axial alignment of focuser in reference to the optical axis of the primary mirror.
- And more.
Astro Aimer Directional Belt Clip
Quick release & hands-free illumination accessory for Astro Aimer
Advanced CT Laser Collimator
Ideal for Cassegrain Telescope Collimation
Hot Product 2010 - Sky & Telescope Magazine
See our new simplified optical Co-Alignment Technique
New model with brighter crosshair alignment laser
SCA Crosshair Laser Collimator
Ideal for NewtonianTelescope Collimation
Hot Product 2009 - Sky & Telescope Magazine
Star Product 2010 - Astromony Magazine
New built-in thread for accurate barlow attachment
SCA Field Flattener
High Quality Optics with the Most Reliable and Secure SCA Adapter
Read the new released article from Astronomy Technology Today
Special Winter Sale! Was $245, now $175.