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You are welcome to submit your wonderful collimated images after using our laser collimator.
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The photo is taken by Walt Lickteig
The image above was created by aligning, stacking and processing the best 50 images in the "minute" window of LCROSS impact at 4:31 AM PDT on October 9, 2009 at the Palomar Observatory grounds.

The image stream was captured via a 12-inch Meade LX200 ACF at prime focus with a Point Grey Scorpion Firewire Camera.  I used a MacBook Pro with Asto IIDC to capture, align, stack, and perform the initial processing.  Final processing was completed in Adobe Photoshop.

The photo is taken by Marc Aragnou
The Sagittarius mosaic was shot with a QHY8, a 6 megapixel cooled CCD.  I calibrated, debayered and stacked the individual channels in CCDStack.  Also did the color balance in CCDStack with a bit of pixel maths.  I then use Register program to register the mosaix then finished off inPhotoshop CS5 to do the blend, saturation, etc.
This was 7.5h total integration times in 5 min. subs for 5 panels.  Guided on a Losmandy G11 Gemini with a QHY5 and PHD guiding software.  I used nebulosity v2 for image capture.

Photo taken by Dennis di Cicco and image processed by Sean Walker of the 2009 Easter Island eclipse.
The exposures were made with a Nikon D700 camera at ISO 200, using a 600-mm f/7 "home-made" refractor (the objective is from a Tele Vue 85, with a "low-profile" focuser and a HoTech field flattener). The telescope was fixed (non-tracking) -- the objective end was resting on a rock wall, while the camera end sat on a low tripod.
 This image is assembled from a series of exposures ranging from 1/500 to 1/2 second, made using the D700's 9-frame auto-bracketing feature (a total of 36 frames were used -- four groups of nine exposures). The processing was done with the software and method described in the June 2009 issue of S&T, page 64.